Our Approach to Your Care

Your Care - Hope. Answers. Help.

We are the premier neurologically based, pediatric chiropractic office that utilizes state-of-the-art technology and the most advanced chiropractic techniques to date to help you achieve true, optimal health so you can live your life to your fullest potential! For many, care starts during pregnancy.

For others, it may have taken longer to learn about the unparalleled benefits of neurologic-based chiropractic care. Whether you are a pregnant mom, 1 day old, or 100 years old, our approach to chiropractic can take your life to the next level! Once you make the decision to call, you will speak with one of our compassionate care advocates who will get you scheduled. Prior to your first visit, your new patient paperwork will be emailed to you. Filling this out ahead of time gives Dr. Matt a head start on truly understanding your case.

Hope. Answers. Help.


At your first appointment, two major steps will happen. First, Dr. Matt will greet you and begin a consultation unlike any you have had before. He will do a deep dive into your child's case and work to discover the root cause of what is going on. This in-depth approach is what will make the Pediatric Chiropractic Center the answer you have been looking for!

After the consultation, the second step of the appointment will be the INSiGHT Scans. This technology involves 3 different neurologic scans to help identify and measure the degree of stress on your nervous system. This shows the level of dysfunction with unparalleled accuracy giving Dr. Matt extensive insight into your child's health.


The next time you arrive at our office, Dr. Matt will have thoroughly reviewed your case history, scans, and clinical findings. This extra step ensures that your child is treated as an individual without the “cookie cutter” approach for which most health care is known. We believe your child is not a protocol, but a unique individual requiring personal care.

At this visit, Dr. Matt will perform a “Review of Findings.” This means he will take the time to make sure you understand exactly what is truly going on and why. Dr. Matt will then explain exactly what can be done to redirect your child to a path of health! This unique process empowers and restores hope by providing a clear solution and allowing you to get ALL of your questions answered.

The final step is to commit to care and your child will receive their first adjustment!  This is when the truly miraculous journey to health starts!  At this point, we like to say: “Welcome to the PCC family!!!

We understand that beginning chiropractic care for yourself, your family, or your kids may be a little scary at first, so we allow extra time for you to have your questions answered and to see how gentle and comfortable neurologically-based chiropractic care can be. By the second or third visit, many kids are running to the table excited for their next adjustment!