Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are you a parent who’s ever felt utterly frustrated because your child’s pediatrician or traditional doctors just won’t listen? Have you asked questions about the causes of your child’s illness or challenges, only to be dismissed and told it’s all in their genetics? Or worse, have you inquired about natural health solutions only to be met with ridicule or indifference? If so, you’re not alone.

    At Pediatric Chiropractic Center we understand your frustration, and we’re here to offer a different approach – one that should be the standard of care but often isn’t. We actually listen to you, the parent who knows their child best because you’ve been with them every step of the way.

    If you’re tired of doctors who don’t listen, don’t explain things clearly, and don’t address the root cause while offering drug-free solutions, this is for you.

  • Absolutely! Probably the easiest question to answer! Chiropractic adjustments for your little ones are tailored specifically for them, which means the force and some of the technique varies depending on their size and age.

    In fact, it is never too early to get your baby adjusted. Whether it's months, weeks, days, hours, or even minutes! We are specially trained to treat any age! Our adjustments are so gentle that often your baby will sleep right through it!

  • We do not take insurance. We have a few reasons why we do not. First, insurance companies like to play doctor and control your care and the amount of it, without seeking to understand the issues you are dealing with. Not accepting insurance allows us to work directly with you and your family so you can all get the care that YOU DESERVE. We also have the freedom in our office to keep our prices low, similar to a standard co-pay.

    Our mission is to work for YOU and your FAMILY, rather than your insurance company!

  • At PCC, we create a thorough and unique care plan specific to your needs. After your detailed neuro-spinal exam, the doctors will sit down and discuss what care plan and technique is best for you. On your second appointment, we will review our recommendations together, before a parent decides to begin care for their child (or themselves). Allowing us to join your wellness team takes time and understanding which is what we deliver to everyone joining our community.