Welcome to the Pediatric Chiropractic Center

Drug-Free Care. For Families, From Birth.

Drug-Free Care. For Families, From Birth.

Have you noticed how kids and families are suffering more frequently from chronic illness, allergies, increased stress, and more frequent visits to the pediatrician?

We have too. We have also noticed that although illness is seemingly more common, care designed to help children and families get back on track has remained the same. Not anymore…



PCC’s experience and specialty in pediatric care is what truly sets it apart, getting incredible results with everything from fussy and colicky infants, to chronically sick kids, to sensory and spectrum challenges.


The foundation for the entire family’s health is built during the perinatal period. Pediatric Chiropractic Center’s clinical care and empowering support elevates a mother’s journey from conception through postnatal care.


Many parents are burnt out, exhausted, and stressed. Our care at Pediatric Chiropractic Center allows parents to routinely experience physical and emotional well-being like never before!

Your Care

We are the premier neurologically based, pediatric chiropractic office that utilizes state-of-the-art technology and the most advanced chiropractic techniques to date to help you achieve true, optimal health so you can live your life to your fullest potential! For many, care starts during pregnancy.

For others, it may have taken longer to learn about the unparalleled benefits of neurologic-based chiropractic care. Whether you are a pregnant mom, 1 day old, or 100 years old, our approach to chiropractic can take your life to the next level! Once you make the decision to call, you will speak with one of our compassionate care team members who will get you scheduled. Prior to your first visit, your new patient paperwork will be emailed to you. Filling this out ahead of time gives Dr. Matt a head start on truly understanding your case.

Our Team

Contact Us


Get In Touch

If you have specific questions, let us know here!

(682) 325-4217


4908 Colleyville Blvd. Suite 310 Colleyville, TX